Cardup Fire Station Opening and Community Open Day

- Cardup Fire Station, 169 Doley Rd, Byford
- 11am - 1pm on Saturday, 25 January
- All ages are welcome and entry is free
About the Cardup Career Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) Station
The $14.5 million Cardup Career Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) Station fulfils a major Labor Government election commitment to future-proof demand for emergency services in Perth's rapidly growing south-east corridor.
The station will receive three state-of-the-art appliances and be crewed by 36 firefighters, part of a multimillion-dollar investment in career personnel.
"Given the breadth of the electorate and its rapid growth, securing a dedicated new fire station is important to the Darling Range community, which is why I promised my constituents we would deliver this vital facility.
"I'm proud to be a Government that's committed to community safety and recognises the rapid population growth happening in this area.
"The construction of a new fire station at Cardup is great news and means we will have a locally based facility to support frontline firefighters in responding quickly to local incidents."
- Hugh Jones, Member for Darling Range